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1. TEAM LIMIT: In order to provide the safest and most beneficial learning environment possible, we are capping our total team size to 180. 

2. SWIM TEAM REQUIREMENT: If your child can swim completely unassisted across the pool (water safe), they are qualified for the swim team. Splashers is not a swim lesson program, so please know your child's capabilities. A swim test will be required for any new 8&Under swimmer. 17 is our maximum age limit.

3. VOLUNTEERING: IT TAKES A VILLAGE! One parent (or family member/guardian) MUST volunteer at each meet their athlete(s) attends. We reserve the right to charge a penalty fee. 


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Already have an account? Log in First.

  • Previous season contact info will auto-populate to save time
  • This avoids creating duplicate accounts by entering names differently.
  • Use the “Forgot your password?” link, if needed

Email Change? Emails are tied to your family accounts and need to be updated by the website admin. Send your updated email to Splashers Website Manager prior to registering, OR log in using the existing email to register and email after to update.

Registering for the first time?

  • Your account will be created as part of the registration process. 
  • After you complete your registration, you will receive an account activation email to set your password for access to your account. 
  • You will also receive a registration confirmation email with details of your form. 
  • If you do not see either of these within an hour of registering, check your spam/trash folders.

With your registration, you'll get access to your account that will enable you to easily declare for swim meets, sign-up for jobs, see your children's swim times and histories, maintain your own contact information, and more. 

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  • LHCA MEMBERS ONLY: March (a private link will be emailed thru LHCA)
  • REGISTRATION CLOSE: When full or determined by Presidents/Coaches

Note: Opening registration is a manual change and may not occur before 9 am at each phase. Thank you for your patience, Website Manager 

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  • First swimmer is $290 
  • Additional swimmers are $250 each

ONLY APPLIES IF YOU REGISTER ALL ATHLETES AT ONE TIME. If you are not sure if your young athlete is ready, it's still best to register due to team cap and get a refund if needed (excluding processing fees).

  • 13 & Older Athlete Discount: $50 off first swimmer fee 

The 13 & Older $50 discount is subtracted from the "First swimmer" fee, not the "Additional swimmers" fee when you have more than one swimmer.

INCLUDED IN FEE: Administrative Fees, Insurance, Coaching, League Fee, Meet Entry Fees, One T-shirt & Swim Cap per Child (No guarantees during late registration), Ribbons, Medals, & Participation Trophy

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  • Free Athlete T-Shirt & Swim Cap - If wanted (not required), one of each is included for each athlete (indicate the t-shirt size needed or choose "None" during registration).
  • Additional Team Gear (Team Suits, Personalized Caps, Shirts, Tanks, Caps, Visors, Bags) - We will be selling swim suits through Swim Freak, and may have other merchandise for sale during or after registration. 
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    Overview: We are a volunteer run organization. All funds collected at registration pay for administrative costs, coaches, equipment, supplies (athlete t-shirt & swim caps, ribbons, medals/trophy), insurance and league dues. We also solicit sponsors to offset some of these costs. We apologize for pricing increases due to inflation and LHCA regulation that is out of our hands.

    Due Date: All payments are due on or before the first day of practice. For insurance/liability reasons, a swimmer will not be allowed in the water until payment is received.

    Refunds: Handled on a case-by-case basis – contact Splashers President(s) to discuss. We are unable to refund merchandise purchases, and due to the league requirement to pay league fees based on our roster count by 5/15, there will be no refund after this date.

    Extra Costs: Swimmers are responsible for purchasing their swimsuit, goggles, and personal equipment. 

    Prorated Fees: Registration fees cover the complete summer season. There are no prorated fees for late start or not finishing the season regardless of reason.

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    • The safety of our swimmers and families is the top priority. We may hold practices and meets in the rain, but we will cancel practice for risk of lightning. Communication will be sent in the event of weather related cancellations.
    • If the weather looks bad, please stay around or make arraignments to pickup your child if we have to cancel.
    • If you don't feel like it is safe, you may pickup your child at anytime (or skip the practice).
    • In the event a meet is cancelled due to weather, it may be rescheduled if time is available. Any meet unable to be rescheduled within 2 weeks will be cancelled per league rules.
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    PLEASE READ CAREFULLY to ensure you are clear on the expectations and consequences if you do not uphold your volunteer duties!

    1) If your family has a child participating in a meet, at least one parent or family member/guardian is expected to volunteer for that meet.

    2) You must check-in on time with the Splashers Volunteer Coordinator (Volunteer Table) prior to the start of each meet, to receive credit.

    3) If you do not sign up or show up for your designated shift, we reserve the right to charge a penelty fee.

    4) It is your responsibility to find a replacement/back-up to fulfill your volunteer commitment, if unable to attend. (Contact the Volunteer Coordinator if you absolutely cannot)

    5) When signing up to volunteer, if all roles have reached full capacity for a given meet, select the Floater Role. You may be asked to participate during the meet where we have gaps or need additional help.


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    All team members are expected to be orderly, courteous, and show good sportsmanship during practices, meets, and at any team-related function. Any inappropriate behavior may constitute cause for dismissing a swimmer from practice or a meet, or be sent home from a team function or possible suspension or dismissal from the team.

    Swimmers should always:

    • Make an effort to show good sportsmanship
    • Show respect for coaches and teammates
    • Represent their team with pride
    • Come to practice and meets prepared with appropriate attire and equipment
    • Actively participate and be willing to try new and difficult things
    • Clean up after yourself

    Parents should always:

    • Not be on the pool deck during practice or meets
    • Let coaches know at the beginning of practice if swimmer is leaving early. If you need to leave a meet early, notify the age group parent of your child’s age group and the coach.
    • If you have to discuss something with a coach, please do not approach them during practice. Either meet with them after practice or arrange another time.
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    • Although we will take as many precautions as possible, we cannot ensure that any surface is germ-free.
    • By entering the pool, you take responsibility for your own protection including disinfecting your hands and any surface you touch.
    • Do not use the pool if you have a cough, fever or other symptoms of illness.
    • Face coverings will not be required. This is an outdoor sport at a park with ample room to spread out. It will be your responsibility to take any necessary precautions for your family and you can decide which events you partake in at any time.

    NOTE: We are guided by the Austin Hills Swim League's swim meet protocols.


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